FAQs - Calculator
Create ISA Calculator
Is the ISA calculator accurate?
The ISA calculator is not a personal recommendation and is not a guaranteed value for what you might get in the future. The calculator is purely for educational purposes and is designed to provide you with an estimated projection of what your future value could be.
What assumptions have been made with the ISA calculator?
Growth rate: 5.00%
Inflation: 2.50%
Fees: 0.68%
Net growth rate: 1.87%
Annual increase in contributions: 3.50%
What information is required for the ISA calculator?
To get an ISA projection, all you need to do is tell us how much you would like to contribute and provide us with your email address. We can then project your ISA value a target date.
How does the ISA calculator work?
We use the monthly and one off contribution figure and a future savings date to calculate what your ISA value might be at a specific point in time. The calculation accounts for fees, inflation, growth assumptions and the effect of compounding. For more information on the assumptions used please see the section on 'assumptions' specific to the ISA calculator.
What does the ISA graph show?
The graph shows you how your ISA could grow over time based on the information you have provided us with.
What are the different ISA risk levels and when does this information appear?
We offer three different risk profile ISAs; cautious, balanced and adventurous. Once you have completed the ISA calculator, you can choose your investment risk profile.
Does the calculator take into account fees?
This ISA calculator assumes total annual fees of 0.68%. Depending on your risk level, you will pay between 0.57% and 0.68% in annual fees.
What do the risk levels mean?
On the ISA calculator, there are three different risk levels you can choose from.
Cautious: This level is for people who prefer lower risk, with 77% of their money invested in safer investments.
Balanced: This level is for those comfortable with some risk, with 34% of their money in safe investments.
Adventurous: This level is for people seeking higher risk, with 100% of their money invested in riskier investments.
What does the 'include inflation' toggle mean?
This shows how inflation affects the future value of your investments. The larger number is your estimated investment value at retirement without considering inflation, while the smaller number (after inflation) shows what that amount would be worth in today's money. Accounting for inflation means your money effectively grows about 2.5% slower each year.
ISA Transfer Calculator
Is the ISA transfer calculator accurate?
The ISA transfer calculator is not a personal recommendation and is not a guaranteed value for what you might get in the future. The calculator is purely for educational purposes and is designed to provide you with an estimated projection of what your future value could be.
What assumptions have been made with the ISA transfer calculator?
Growth rate: 5.00%
Inflation: 2.50%
Fees: 0.68%
Net growth rate: 1.87%
What information is required for the ISA transfer calculator?
To get an ISA projection, all you need to do is tell us how much you would like to contribute each month, what date you would like to save until and provide us with your email address. We can then project your ISA value to to your specified target date.
How does the ISA transfer calculator work?
We use the transfer value and your future savings date to calculate what your ISA value might be in the future. The calculation accounts for fees, inflation, growth assumptions and the effect of compounding. For more information on the assumptions used please see the section on 'assumptions' specific to the ISA calculator.
What does the ISA transfer graph show?
The graph shows you how your ISA could grow over time based on the information you have provided us with.
What are the different ISA risk levels and when does this information appear?
We offer three different risk profile ISAs; cautious, balanced and adventurous. Once you have completed the ISA calculator, you can choose your investment risk profile.
Does the ISA transfer calculator take into account fees?
This ISA calculator assumes total annual fees of 0.68%. Depending on your risk level, you will pay between 0.57% and 0.68% in annual fees.
What do the risk levels mean?
On the ISA calculator, there are three different risk levels you can choose from.
Cautious: This level is for people who prefer lower risk, with 77% of their money invested in safer investments.
Balanced: This level is for those comfortable with some risk, with 34% of their money in safe investments.
Adventurous: This level is for people seeking higher risk, with 100% of their money invested in riskier investments.
What does the 'include inflation' toggle mean?
This shows how inflation affects the future value of your investments. The larger number is your estimated investment value at retirement without considering inflation, while the smaller number (after inflation) shows what that amount would be worth in today's money. Accounting for inflation means your money effectively grows about 2.5% slower each year.
Create Pension Calculator
Is the pension calculator accurate?
The pension calculator is not a personal recommendation and is not a guaranteed value for what you might get in the future. The calculator is purely for educational purposes and is designed to provide you with an estimated projection of what your future value could be.
What assumptions have been made with the pension calculator?
Growth rate: 5.00%
Inflation: 2.50%
Fees: 0.68%
Net growth rate: 1.87%
Annual increase in contributions: 3.50%
Life expectancy: 100
Pension tax relief: 20% on all contributions
Existing pensions: ONS data based on age brackets
Current monthly contributions: annual salary * 8% (between Lower Earnings Limit and Upper Earnings Limit)
State pension: £11,600 per annum in retirement
What information is required for the pension calculator?
To get a pension projection with mynestegg, all you need to provide us with is your age, your annual wage and your email address. You can then tailor the projection we provide you with by amending your salary, current pension contributions, existing pension provision, desired retirement age and monthly contribution amount.
How does the pension calculator work?
The pension calculator can do three primary things:
1) mynestegg monthly contribution: we will provide you with guidance on a suitable monthly contribution to make between now and your chosen retirement age to achieve a retirement lifestyle of 2/3rds of your current annual income.
2) mynestegg one-off contribution: this is an optional contribution clients can add.
3) Your personalised calculation: you can customise all elements of the calculator to make it specific to your circumstance and your retirement objectives.
All of the above is underpinned by various assumptions and underlying calculations which you can view by looking at the 'assumptions made' section of the 'pension calculator'.
What does the pension graph show?
The graph is designed to show your projected pension value at retirement based on your current pension pots against what you could have in the future if you opened a pension with mynestegg.
What do the projected pension figures show?
There are two figures relating to your mynestegg pension. One shows the projected pot which gives you an insight into what your pension pot with mynestegg might look like at your chosen retirement age based on the monthly contribution shown. The annual retirement income is then guidance for how much you could potentially receive each year in retirement from your retirement age, assuming that you live to 100.
What do the total pension pot figures show?
There are two figures relating to total pensions. One shows the projected pot which gives you an insight into what your combined pension pot might look like at your chosen retirement age based on the monthly contribution into a mynestegg pension, your existing pension values and your current monthly pension contributions. The annual retirement income figure is then guidance for how much you could potentially receive each year in retirement from your retirement age, assuming that you live to 100.
What does the 'include inflation' toggle mean?
This shows how inflation affects the future value of your investments. The larger number is your estimated investment value at retirement without considering inflation, while the smaller number (after inflation) shows what that amount would be worth in today's money. Accounting for inflation means your money effectively grows about 2.5% slower each year.
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If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk or by contacting them on 0800 023 4567.